The Team

Jenna Ceraso
Hello! My name is Jenna, and I am a senior majoring in both Biological Engineering and Entomology, with a Business minor. This semester, I am a TA for the introductory Entomology class Insect Biology and also for Honeybees. In the past I have worked in Dr. Jung's bioinspired fluids lab and was the Business Lead on the Cornell University Biomedical Device project team. In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities including snowboarding, mountain biking, climbing, and hiking. BEE Students-- we hope to see you at one of our Hive events!
Evelyn Chen
Vice President
Hey everyone! My name is Evelyn, and I'm a sophomore majoring in Environmental Engineering. I am part of the Sparks Lab, where I am researching ecological applications of stable isotopes (more specifically, I am studying the role of lichens in atmospheric biomonitoring). In my spare time, I enjoy drawing, rowing, and playing (table) tennis.

Hannah Ceisler
Public Relations
Hi[ve] everyone! I’m Hannah Ceisler, and I'm buzzing through my junior year studying biological engineering with a minor in creative writing. As a busy bee on the pre-med track, I work in the Brito Lab, where we explore the hive-mind of host-microbe interactions within the microbiome. Outside the lab, I go beeyond for the women’s Club Softball and Ice Hockey teams. When I’m not on the field or rink, you’ll find me bee-sy reading, writing, obsessing over my dog, or watching horror and comedy to keep things buzz-worthy.
Jeffrey Wang
Events Coordinator
Hello! I am Jeffrey. I am from Beijing, China, and I am a sophomore majoring in Environmental Engineering and Information Science, with a minor in Robotics. I love playing robots, and my research interests include bio-inspired engineering and system design. Since last year, I have worked in Charles' Research Lab in BEE on applying ecological networks to technological system design. In my free time, I love traveling and watching sports.

Ally Karanikas
Sophomore Liaison
Hi! My name is Ally Karanikas, and I am a sophomore studying environmental engineering and minoring in plant science. Outside of classes, I am on the international subteam for Cornell Engineers Without Borders and a Resident Advisor on campus. I love reading, hiking, and growing herbs and house plants.
Sofia Mykytenko
Freshmen Liaison
Hello! My name is Sofia and I am from New York City. I am a freshman majoring in Biological Engineering. I hope to get involved in research with a focus on genetics in the near future. Additionally, sustainability is a big passion of mine. My hobbies include anything outdoorsy or active, as well as crocheting and baking!

Phoebe Christake
Web Designer
Hi, I'm Phoebe! I am from Long Island, NY and I am a senior Biological Engineering major with a Psychology minor. I research insulin delivery devices in the Biomaterials and Cell Therapy Lab. This semester, I am a TA for Heat and Mass Transfer and I the President of the club field hockey team.
Angela D'Amelio
Web Designer
Hello, my name is Angela D’Amelio, and I am a Freshman studying Environmental Engineering and plan to minor in Smart City Design and Marine Biology. I am from the Bay Area, California, and passionate about developing innovative solutions for pollution reduction while designing functional environments. I hope to join projects that combine engineering, design, and environmental impact. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, drawing, hiking, and playing games.

Fiona Chen
Social Media Chair
Hi everyone, my name is Fiona and I am from New York City! I am a freshman in the Environmental Engineering major, and my main areas of interest are water/wastewater treatment and hydroponics. I also hope to work in a research lab in the future! In my free time, I love reading, drawing, and swimming.
​Emma Mukerji
Hello! I'm from Potomac Maryland, and 1st year BEE student interested in microbiology. I'm on the iGEM business team and I have two German Shepherds named after Star Trek characters (Bones and Scotty). I enjoy watching horror movies, playing sports/going to the gym, and trying different types of coffee.

Joseph Dente
Hi! My name is Joseph Dente and I am a freshman in CALS intending to double major in Biological Engineering and Biology & Society. As someone who has always loved micro- and molecular biology, I hope to pursue research in biotechnological research after graduation. Outside the field of biology, I enjoy music, literature, and history!